Disciples Women’s Leadership Council (DWLC)
The Disciples Women’s Leadership Council (DWLC) is comprised of regional and constituency leadership representatives who coordinate Disciples Women’s ministry programs in regions. Its purpose is to be an advisory and communication channel and to share in advocacy for women through fellowship, professional development, enrichment and support of the members.
Once a year, these leaders travel to meet and learn from other leaders in this field as well as one another while receiving best practices of ministry/program management. Their presence also ensures that your region’s voice is included at the DW table regarding programming, budgeting, and the general wellbeing of Disciples Women’s Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Voting members of DWLC include:
Others who are invited to the DWLC table include
The DWLC convenes annually to:
Members of the DWLC Leadership Team work together to plan the annual DWLC meeting under the guidance of the IDWM Executive Committee and the DWM Executive Director. These officers are responsible for working with the IDWM Executive Committee, the Executive Director and and other Disciples Women’s Staff as a way of keeping the pathways of communication open between regional bodies and the national office. Except for the President, who serves a four (4) year term, each officer serves a two (2) year term.
Deborah Clark – President (VA/Piedmont District)
Tonitia Butler – Vice-President/Secretary (AL/NW FL)
Kristen Beach– Member-at-large (GRR)