Woman-to-Woman Worldwide
Is this a traditional mission trip? No. This is not a ‘hands-on’ mission trip. Rather, it is an immersion experience that involves deep, active listening to our sisters of other countries so that we may learn from them what it means to be a woman of faith in their context. These international, ecumenical, and personal experiences are meant to encourage women to see the world with new, informed eyes and bring that perspective back to their congregation and community.
I have participated in W2WWW before. Can I apply again? Yes. While DWM aims to provide as many women as possible with this experience, and preference is given to first-time attendees, you may apply again. However, first consideration is given to first-time applicants.
What are the vaccination requirements? Because of the nature of this trip, cohort members are required to have all necessary vaccinations prior to traveling. In addition to all essential vaccinations, the host country may also have additional requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, the COVID-19 vaccination. Proof of vaccination is required before entry, and the requirements are published when the application opens.
What are the physical requirements? All travelers must have a medical waiver signed by their physician indicating their fitness for this trip, which may include lengthy walks, prolonged periods of standing, etc. Proof of vaccination is required before travel.
Other medical considerations? Woman-to-Woman Worldwide often deals with issues that can be triggers for those who have experienced various types of trauma. This includes various forms of abuse and gender-based violence, poverty, and crime. Please be mindful of your limits and triggers when considering your application to this program. Consult with your medical and mental health professionals to determine if this program is a good fit for you.
Do I need a passport and visa? You must have a valid passport at the time of travel. All entry requirements are posted at the time of application.
Other requirements? All participants must attend virtual training sessions leading up to the trip. These sessions are designed to engage the cohort around what it means to participate in this program, orient their thinking toward the end goal of the journey, and level-set expectations for their time as a part of this cohort. All participants must have completed an approved Anti-racist/Pro-reconciling training and demonstrate their understanding of cultural awareness and sensitivity. Proof of training is required at the time of application.
How much does it cost to participate? Cost varies based on several factors, including location(s), activities, logistics, etc., and includes round-trip airfare from the host city, lodging, and some meals while on travel. You are responsible for travel to the host city, personal shopping, money, etc.
Are payment options available? Yes. Upon acceptance, cohort members receive a welcome letter that includes due dates for the initial deposit and subsequent payments. All payments are made directly to Disciples Women via check by mail, or online with a credit card. All credit card payments must include the 3% processing fee.
How can I fund this trip? There are several ways to fund the trip, including self-pay, donor solicitation, congregational support, regional support, and grants such as the Disciples Women’s Endowment Fund, which funds up to 2/3 of the cost for first-time participants and up to 1/3 of the cost for repeat participants.
Other Questions? Email discipleswomen@dhm.disciples.org