Elders Workshop Handbook – by DHM’s Leadership Initiative Team (LIT) Scriptures to go with handbook.
The following resources are available from Chalice Press at www.chalicepress.com or 1-800-366-3383.
You Are series handouts are combined into a downloadable electronic PDF. These handouts relate to the following topics:
You Are a Church Trustee
You are a Member of the Diaconate
You Are a Steward
You Are a Volunteer Leader of Children or Youth
You Are an Acolyte
You are an Elder
You Are an Evangelist, & You Are an Usher.
Disciples Eldership
by Peter M. Morgan
Eldership at the Lord’s Table
by Lara Blackwood Pickrel
Your Calling as an Elder
by Gary Straub
Your Calling as a Deacon
by Gary Straub and James Trader II
Your Calling as a Leader
by Gary Straub and Judy G. Turner