Disciple Cool Congregations
5 churches from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are among the 15 congregations to be celebrated by Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) as Certified Cool Congregations in 2022. Congratulations to Salvisa Christian Church, Niles Discovery Church, Bethany Christian Church, Woodmont CC & Covenant Christian Church. Collectively these 15 congregations reduced 8000 tons of climate change pollution. This Certification recognizes religious congregations around the United States for outstanding efforts to address climate change by reducing the carbon footprint of their facilities.
These exemplary congregations have made permanent changes to their facilities
to reduce the impact their houses of worship have on the environment, cutting their carbon emissions by an average of more than 40%.
Prompted by deep concerns about climate change and rising energy costs, these congregations have installed solar, heat pumps, energy-efficient appliances, and heating and cooling systems. Read more here.