1953 the ICWF (U.S. and Canada) was founded, and in 1982, the ICWF Cabinet was formed. Then, in 2006, the ICWF became known as the International Disciples Women’s Ministries (IDWM). This body of women sponsors much of the ministry with and for women of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Ministry originating from the IDWM is accomplished through the Executive Committee in partnership with the IDWM Cabinet, Disciples Women’s Leadership Council (DWLC), and the staff of the Disciples Women’s Ministries office in Indianapolis. In 2011, Disciples Women became self-determining and are now represented as part of OGMP’s cabinet and Justice Table. The work of IDWM is funded through the budget of Disciples Women’s Ministries, which is in close covenant with Disciples Home Missions.
Through Disciples Women sponsored events, women are invited to share the Good News through:
- Worship for spiritual growth and renewed discipleship
- Bible study for greater knowledge, understanding, and service
- Issue study for action and advocacy
- Mission study for knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of others
- Service/action for hands-on/personal involvement
- Fellowship/networking for building the faith community with other women
- Leadership training for service to God in Disciples Women, the Church, and the community at large
- Stewardship of time, talent, and resources for the mission of the Church
IDWM operates under its current Rules of Procedures which can be viewed here.
Executive Committee

Wanona Rogers Redd
VA/Piedmont District

Tonitia Butler
Alabama/NW FL Region

Rev. Dr. Debra Reid

Deborah Clark
DWLC President
VA/Piedmont District

Regional Staff Representative

Claretta Witherspoon

Roxana Perez
Obra Hispana Representative

LaDonna Harris
National Convocation Women’s Representative
NCANV/Northwest District

Rev. Dr. Miseon Choi
NAPAD Representative

Rev. Monique Crain Spells
DHM Representative

Kimberly Jones

Carol Renee Eakin

Anna Donaghue
Capital Area