Regional Forms
Click on the drop down menus below for more information about each Regional Form.
For non-CDM+ users, please email Lorna, Kelly, or Anne Marie at the Office of Christian Vocations to receive the password to access the forms on this website.
This form is for non-CDM+ users (skip this section if you use CDM+).
Each regional staff person who needs to use the Oversight Transfer Form (OTF) or Minister Change Form will be required to fill out the Staff Authorization Form. Please remember that non-regional staff and local ministers should NOT be given access to these forms.
Please complete the following process for this access:
- Complete the Regional Staff Authorization Form listed below. Please allow up to three business days for your access to be verified. Be sure to write down your username and password for your records.
- After we verify your access, you will receive an e-mail note from WordPress with your username & password.
- If your access to the DHM Website as a Regional Staff person has been previously verified, you can log in through the following address to gain access to the Credentialing forms.
A Regional Directive is completed by regions through CDM+ (or DHM website form) to allow access to the Search and Call system (S/C) by persons who do not yet/currently have Standing. These are most-often for those approved for Ordination but not yet Ordained, for clergy authorized for Standing as Commissioned based on Call, or for person’s Under Care of aregion providing baseline information to RCOM’s, or for “non circulation” purposes.
Completing the entire form is very important.
Please remind clergy it can take up to three days to process this form, however, a password is generally sent to them within 48 hours of receiving a Regional Directive.
Once a Regional Directive has been received by the Search and Call Office, the minister will receive an e-mail from the Office of Search and Call. This e-mail will contain:
- Link to the MinPro System
- Login e-mail address
- Temporary password
The Office of Christian Vocations (OCV) has a Web-based tool that allows the Regional Minister and Staff to list positions of ministry for which congregations, regions, and other institutions are seeking Disciples clergy with Standing. Thus, any time an open congregational, regional and/or General position of ministry within your purview is ready to receive DOC Ministerial Profiles, you are encouraged to submit a listing for that ministry position, as soon as possible. To do so, login to the DOC Web MinPro at:
This is the same login window where ministers go to prepare a Ministerial Profile. Upon log in, one of the initial dark blue boxes that regional ministers will see are labeled, “MINISTRY POSITIONS”. Click on that box to:
- Post new positions
- Edit previously posted positions
- Track/View all the positions your region has postedOnce posted to our secure site, these position listings will only be available to DOC authorized clergy with log in privileges to Web MinPro.
The CDM+ Association & Submission Tool is the preferred method for data submission for the Ministers Directory
You can sync Regional and General ministry records for the same person, see information that needs to be updated in the Ministers Directory and/or Regional databases, and then use the e-mail function to send necessary changes to the Ministers Directory office. You can use this step if you have the Membership Program on your CDM+.
Please watch the following video for a tutorial about the CDM+ Ministers Directory functions.
- For newly credentialed (Commissioned or Ordained) or transferring into your region, fill out the Oversight Transfer Form – this gives you access to the Minister PIN & record for association.
- Once you have access, use the CDM+ Association Tool in Utilities and associate the two records.
- Compare your information on the DOC Minister tab with the OCV information, make changes as needed, save changes, and then “Submit DOC Ministerial Changes.”
- When submitting changes to Ministers Directory, only changes on the following tabs in theRegional Database will submit: name, phones, email, church of call (must have begun & end dates), and any address changes made. Make all changes, save, and click submit on the DOC tab.
Oversight Transfer
If using the CDM+ Association & Submission Tool, you can establish oversight by your region for the record of a minister.
This is used for ministers transferring into your region, newly credentialed ministers (ordained/commissioned) who do not yet have a record at all in the General database, and/or clergy who are already in your region but for whom your region is not listed in the General CDM+ as the region of oversight.
For non-CDM+ users, use the following form:
The Oversight Transfer does NOT change anything in the minister’s record. It simply aligns the record with your region, allowing you to make later changes using the CDM+ Association/Submission Tool.
Minister Record Changes
The CDM+ Association and Submission Tool is the preferred method of reporting ministry record changes.
This is submitted by regions to the Ministers Directory Office with changes regarding credentialing, location, and other information of clergy with Standing. It is also used for reporting a minister’s loss of Standing, whether for clerical or other reasons.
Please provide as much information as possible. Providing a full legal name, previous address, former place of employment, etc. is important. This enables the correct record to be quickly identified, or to know that it is a new record, thus preventing duplication.
Provide only current information. Forms are intended to be used for changes and/or additions to a minister’s current information only. Do not submit a change form for something that will/may occur at a future time or date.
Supporting information is helpful. Please use the comments section on forms to give a brief description of the action you are submitting for change (i.e. address change only, professional code change, newly commissioned, removal of Standing for “X” reason, etc.).
Changes should be submitted throughout the year, as changes arise. Doing so results in more accurate “real time” records.
The Minister Change Form on the DHM Website (for non-CDM+ users) is available to submit these changes.