Application form deadline: March 15, 2025
Reference and transcript deadline: April 15, 2025
No exceptions to deadlines.
Scholarships are made possible by gifts from individuals, families, congregations, and other expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Scholarship funds are generated from interest earned on permanent funds and cash gifts, and are used as investments in persons preparing for ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
By completing an application, you will be considered for each scholarship for which you qualify. Please submit only ONE application. The scholarship committee determines for which scholarship each applicant qualifies. The maximum award for any recipient is only one scholarship award per academic year.
It is each applicant’s responsibility to make sure all required documentation is received in DHM’s scholarship office before the deadline, including application, references, transcripts, and under care confirmation.
Scholarship Application – Click here to access the online application form.
Reference Form – Click here to access the online reference form.
To be eligible for any of the scholarships listed below the applicant must:
- be a member of a congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada;
- be preparing for ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada;
- know that GPA may be a determining factor in consideration of scholarships awarded;
- provide evidence of financial need;
- be enrolled as a student in an ATS accredited graduate seminary or theological school, (9+ hours for full disbursement, 6-8 hours for 2/3rd disbursement, 3-5 hours for 1/3rd disbursement, below 3 hours ineligible) audited classes for no credit do not apply toward required hours;
- be enrolled in an M.Div., or equivalent degree program that meets educational requirements for Ordination;
- provide official, sealed transcript(s) of academic work to be received by our office directly from the registrar’s office. If you have completed less than one year of graduate seminary, please submit transcripts for all under-graduate attendance and degree fulfillment. If you have completed at least one year of graduate seminary, you only need to submit the transcripts for your cumulative seminary experience. Second career seminary students should consult with DHM scholarship office regarding how to proceed;
- provide three references; one from each of the following persons: a regional minister from one of the 33 regions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada from the region with which you are under care, the pastor of your home CC (DOC) congregation or from the CC (DOC) congregation wherein you are a member, and a professor (seminary or undergraduate). First year students entering may substitute the regional minister with a reference from a recognized executive minister of racial ethnic ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. No referent can be a relative. Call if you have questions;
- be under care of a regional Commission on the Ministry, or in the process of coming under care (if regional reference is coming from ethnic constituency executive, you will be required to contact your regional minister and request that they verify your under care status. It will be your responsibility to ensure a regional minister fulfills this request.);
(Exceptions to some of the above qualifications may be made within the Michael Scholarship, Star-Supporter and African American Scholarship fund programs. Contact our office for details.)
For your information: Applicants must apply or reapply each year to receive scholarships. There are no automatic renewals.
Available scholarships
About the fund
The Executive Committee of the United Christian Missionary Society (UCMS) established the Negro Student Scholarship Fund in June 1939 with funds raised for Central Christian Institute in Kentucky. The funds constituted a special scholarship fund for a period of six years from June 1939. The income is to aid worthy African-American young men or women desiring to participate in Christian service and obtain a college education. Other monies were added to this fund, such as:
- In 1957, the alumni group of the Southern Christian Institute collected money for the purpose of building a gym for alumni on the properties of the Southern Christian Institute. As this need no longer exists, it was resolved that the total amount of these funds be invested in the Negro Student Scholarship Fund.
- In 1958, the proceeds from the sale of the Taylor Memorial Fellowship House, located at 4133 Rookwood Avenue, Indianapolis, were also added to the Negro Scholarship fund with the understanding that the earning of the funds will administered by the Joint committee on Scholarships.
On December 9, 2009, the Joint Scholarship Committee of Disciples Home Missions changed the name of the Negro Student Scholarship Fund to the African-American Scholarship Fund. This was done to reflect the language of the early 21st century in the United States of America.
African American Scholarship Guidelines
Directions to apply
This scholarship is for African American students who intend to eventually go into the ministry and are going for their undergraduate degrees. As such, these students have some different guidelines than most of the other DHM Scholarships.
These students most likely will not be under the care of a Region preparing for ordination and do not need a regional reference. The three references needed are:
- Pastor (of the church in which they are a member)
- The board chair or a congregational leader of their church
- A teacher or counselor of their current school (high school or other school)
These students do not need to be taking any specific undergraduate courses, such as ministerial or preparing for ministry; they must only convey a desire to eventually enter the ministry.
Application form deadline: March 15
Reference and transcript deadline: April 15
Applications received after the March 15 deadline will be declared ineligible.
No exceptions to deadlines.
By completing an application, you will be considered by the scholarship team of DHM. The maximum award for any recipient is only one scholarship award per academic year. It is each applicant’s responsibility to make sure all required documentation is received in DHM’s scholarship office before the deadline, including application, references, and verification from the institution registrar that you are currently enrolled as a student (high school-first year/college for every other year).
To be eligible for the African American scholarships you must meet the following five criteria:
- be a member of a congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada;
- be preparing for ministry or be planning to enter ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada;
- know that GPA may be a determining factor in consideration of scholarships awarded;
- be enrolled or plan to enroll as a student in a two or four year academic institution of higher learning.
- planning to continue your ministry goals by achieving a M.Div., or equivalent degree program at an ATS credited institution after completing your undergraduate degree.
For your information: Applicants must apply or reapply each year to receive scholarships. There are no automatic renewals.
About the fund
The Kagiwada Memorial Fund was established in memory of the Rev. David Kagiwada. David was a native of Los Angeles and a second-generation Disciple. He graduated from the University of Chicago Divinity School and was ordained in the Illinois/Wisconsin Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Focal points in his ministry included efforts to reconcile and heal antagonism among all people; support and be an advocate for racial/ethnic minorities and women; and helping the church recognize and appreciate the gifts of people of Asian heritage. David faithfully served five congregations in California and Indiana. David was the first Convener of the American Asian Disciples (now, North American Pacific/ Asian Disciples). The Kagiwada Scholarship is available to North American Pacific/Asian Disciples ministerial students enrolled (or accepted as an entering student) in an accredited graduate theological school or seminary.
About the fund
First year seminarians do not have to commit to a chaplaincy program.
About the fund
The Edwin G. and Lauretta M. Michael Endowment Fund was established by the will of the Rev. and Mrs. Michael for scholarship of ministerial families. By the decision of the Michael children, the funds are presently restricted to financial aid for ministers’ spouses whose basic education was interrupted to enable their wife or husband to complete their theological education.
Others are always invited and encouraged to assist by contributing to this fund, both, for the purpose of increasing the annual funds available for scholarships and the endowment, itself.
The endowment was initiated at $10,691.18. The International Council of Ministers Wives provided additional support to the endowment sufficient monies. The funds now allow for up to $ 1,000 a year in grants. While the fund was originally established to provide financial support for the education of minister’s wives, this fund is now open to all spouses of Disciples Clergy, regardless of gender.
These funds will be administered by Disciples Home Missions, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), under the following criteria:
All references and transcripts must be submitted by April 15.
Financial need based upon family income, family size, family age and unusual financial considerations.
The spouse of the applicant must have completed their basic theological education (M.Div. or equivalency), be currently employed in vocational ministry, and hold standing in the ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Primary consideration will be given to applicants who will be in an institution of higher education, accredited by one of the major regionally accrediting bodies for secondary schools and colleges.
This program is for applicants seeking their first undergraduate degree.
Application forms must be submitted to Disciples Home Missions between January 1 and March 15 for consideration for the succeeding academic year.
About the fund
Students enrolled at the University of Chicago Divinity School, Union Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt Divinity School, or Yale Divinity School, may apply for these funds.
About the fund
The Katherine Schutze scholarship was named in honor of a native of Marfa, Texas, who was ordained at 30. Katherine’s early career included teaching Hispanic children in that community for several years. Later, she became a missionary to China, and later, in what is now the Yakama Christian Mission. Schutze also taught at Drake University in Iowa, and at Lexington (Ky.) Theological Seminary. She especially maintained a passion for women in ministry in the Disciples of Christ. In her last years with the United Christian Missionary Society (UCMS), Schutze devoted energy to locating other ordained women and establishing the first programs for support of Disciple clergy women. Upon her death in 1980, the Katherine Schutze Scholarship was founded to encourage future generations of women as they prepare for ordained ministry.
About the fund
The Michelle Jackson scholarship was named after a second career student who graduated in 2003 from Vanderbilt Divinity School at the age of 38, but died after a brief, unexpected illness, less than a month after receiving her M.Div. degree. She was the mother of four and sought ordination later that year. Jackson was still seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance in finding a place to serve. As a student, Jackson chaired the Council of Black Seminarians serving in the Student Government Association, and was known as a gifted preacher.
The Michelle Jackson Scholarship is to provide a legacy for her stillborn ministry. It will serve African-American Disciples women in M. Div. degree programs at accredited seminaries whose lives offer the same deeply spiritual charisma and gifts for leadership in the church that were evident in Ms. Jackson’s too-short life and ministry.
About the fund
The Lloyd and Iva Mattison Congregational Ministries Scholarship fund is named for a couple who originally met in a Disciples of Christ Young Adult Program in Anderson, Indiana. During the next 60 years, in six different states, this couple energetically worked with and supported youth and young adults in local, regional, and general level activities and special events. Lloyd Mattison was a Disciples minister, as is their son-in-law and grandson.
Iva Mattison established the scholarship for those preparing to serve the church in the area of ministry with youth in 1993 and, later in 2017, it was broadened to students focusing on congregational ministries, so that their love and commitment would continue to be experienced by generations to come. Lloyd and Iva are survived by two daughters and one son, along with two grandchildren.
About the fund
Established by members of First Christian Church, Fremont, Nebraska as they closed their visible congregational ministry, The Nebraska Legacy Fund annually distributes money for the purpose of financial scholarships to students who are:
- Members of the Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ);
- Preparing for employment in Ordained Christian ministry;
- Attending an ATS-accredited seminary/divinity school.
First priority will be provided to students who are or have been residents of Nebraska, or those preparing for Ordination who are under the care of the Nebraska region. If no such person(s) is identified in any given year, then students who meet remaining qualifications will be considered for awards from this fund. Recipients must meet all other general requirements of the DHM scholarship program.
About the fund
What is now the Ministerial Education Scholarship Fund was initially started in 1974 with a beginning investment of $3,500 by Mrs. Ethel Johnson Rowley and her husband, Mr. Prescott Thresher Rowley, of Sacramento, Calif. With their first gift, the Rowleys established a revocable Trust Fund with the United Christian Missionary Society (UCMS) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Through the next several years, Mr. and Mrs. Rowley continued to invest additional money as they were able, to build this fund toward their goal of creating a perpetual ministerial scholarship. Additional monies have been given from that time through the present by various individuals and organizations to supplement and increase this scholarship fund. All gifts are welcomed.l requirements of the DHM scholarship program.
About the fund
The Rev. Dr. J. Soongook Choi was a Korean-American minister of the Chrisitan Church (Disciples of Christ). He was born in and spent his childhood in Japan, but traveled to Korea with the Student Volunteer Corps during the Korean War. Out of his painful experience in the conflict of inter-and intra-racial relations among Asian nations, he became a seeker for peace and justice in a world community of different peoples. Upon returning to Korea from Japan, Dr. Choi joined the Campbell-Stone movement (Christian Church—Independent). In 1959, he came to the United States for advanced theological education and earned several academic degrees. He was ordained in 1962 and served as a local pastor, hospital chaplain, professor and president of Seoul Christian University (in Korea), and member of the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He had been a key figure in the life of the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD), especially for the growth of the Disciples church in the Korea-American community. To carry on Dr. Choi’s legacy in ministry, his friends and relatives established a scholarship fund on the day of celebration of his retirement. The Choi Scholarship is available to Disciples seminarians of Asian and Pacific Islander descent who are in preparation for ministry in a multi-racial/cultural community.
About the fund
Two visionaries, the Rev. Lorenzo J. Evans and Alfred C. Stone, conceived of the idea to develop a scholarship fund to be used for the education of Black pastors. Starting in 1949, attendees of the National Convocation were approached for a $10 minimum donation. At that time, only a handful of pastors were seminary trained. Stone and Evans wanted to change this and have been eminently successful.
About the fund
Established by members of First Christian Church, Winter Haven, Florida, as part of their mission to support causes that are important to their congregation, The Winter Haven Scholarship Fund annually distributes money, based on available earnings and need, for the purpose of financial scholarships to students who are:
- Members of the Christian church (Disciples Of Christ);
- Preparing for employment in Ordained Christian ministry;
- Attending an ATS-accredited seminary/divinity school;
- Second or Third career seminary students;
The intent of this fund is to help support seminarians who have previously had prior careers in secular work, but who are now going back to school to prepare for, and fulfill, a Call to vocational ministry. If applicable, students should mention how they are second or third career students in the general application form. Recipients must meet all other general requirements for the DHM scholarship program.
Applications received after the March 15 deadline will be declared ineligible.
Important: It is each applicant’s responsibility to ensure ALL required materials are received by Disciples Home Missions, Office of Scholarships, Attention Kelly Harris, by the stated deadlines. Thus, applicants may want to check with Kelly Harris with sufficient time before the deadline to make sure their materials have been received, if they have any questions. It is not the responsibility of the Office of Scholarships to notify applicants regarding any required outstanding/missing application materials.