Introduction to Search and Call
The Office of Search and Call serves ministers, congregations, and regions in the important process of searching and calling ministers to a variety of positions across the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The office supports and facilitates this process by adhering to the policies and guidelines established by the General Commission on the Order of Ministry (GCOM), managing the software and clergy records, and ensuring confidential, accurate, and prompt distribution of information. The Office of Search and Call works in collaboration with GCOM, the College of Regional Ministers, and regional office staff.
The office uses a web-based system for the purposes of maintaining clergy records, sharing ministerial positions, endorsing specialized ministries, and annual reports.
The following link can help familiarize your with the Web-based Ministerial Profile System (Web MinPro) for use in the Search and Call process of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Click here to read the Overview of Search and Call System
Ministers Directory
The Ministers’ Directory is the official repository of clergy data for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. The Directory works in collaboration with regional offices to administer, maintain, and ensure the most accurate and updated listing. Regions report annually to Ministers’ Directory from December 1st through February 28. The Directory communicates with ALEX – the current database of congregations and congregational statistics managed by OGMP.