Advent 2020: Preparation Amid the Devastation
Friends in Christ,
None of you need to be reminded that 2020 has been a most unusual year. In our “neck of the woods” we’ve dealt with the global COVID 19 pandemic, direct hits by two major hurricanes, and all the other curveballs that “normal” life has thrown our way. And now, suddenly, it’s Advent!
Each year we observe the season of Advent as an opportunity to prepare for the coming of our Lord in a fresh and meaningful way. It seems that, while we’ve been mired in the realities of the coronavirus and the mass destruction here in Southwest Louisiana, the year has slipped past and now we’re standing at the door of Advent. More than ever, we need to be very intentional in our preparations. There are so many things that distract us. It is my prayer that these Advent devotions may be one part of your personal preparation for the coming of the baby Jesus into the world and the coming of our Lord Jesus into our lives anew this year.
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Bobbie Yellott, Pastor
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)