January 2025
Justice and Advocacy Ministries empowers Disciples to use our voices and our actions to promote greater justice and mercy in the world. Disciples Home Missions seeks to bring a coordinated approach to influencing the church’s work for justice with a focus on three key areas:
- Refugee and Immigration Ministries
- Racial Justice
- Environmental Justice
Following his inauguration on Monday January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump signed executive orders that do real damage in each of those three key focus areas.
Seeking to be a source of trusted information/resources for local congregations, Regions, and ministries Justice & Advocacy Ministries offers the following curated list of the articles, explainers, and videos about the executive orders.
Explainers and Fact Sheets
Summary: Immigration Executive Actions
A Google Drive Folder containing PDF’s of the Trump Immigration Executive Orders
Summary: Executive Orders on Energy and Environment: A Quick Summary
The Climate Law Blog from the Sabin Center at Columbia University offers a short summary of each EO on the environment along with direct links to the text of each one.
Summary: Executive Orders Targeting Diversity Equity and Inclusion
This LawFlash Post from Morgan Lewis offers a brief summary of two Executive Orders and includes direct links to each one.
DHM: Let’s Talk About Terminology and the U.S. Immigration System
In this video Attorney Jonelle Ocloo (Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel) defines key phrases in the US Immigration system such as “refugee” and “asylee” and “immigrant.”
Immigration Hub: Immigration Messaging Center
Quick Takes on each Executive Order, Topline Take-Aways, Links to Resources
NYT: Trump Admin Ordered Federal Diversity Efforts to Shut Down by Wednesday Night
EarthWorks: What Do Trump’s Executive Orders Mean for Climate and Communities?
NBC5 Chicago: What is a DEI Program and What did Trump Change?
NPR: Trump is Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement (again)
Immigration Updates and Analysis
Immigration Hub: Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders – Mass Deportations, Making Children Second Class Citizens and Ending Asylum
Interfaith Immigration Coalition: Faith Communities Across Traditions Tell the Trump Administration to Follow God’s Directives to Welcome Immigrants
Sojourners: What Will We Risk to Defy Unjust Immigration Orders?
Human Rights First: Analysis of Trump’s Initial Immigration Executive Actions
Trump Executive Orders undermine our national security, tarnish our global reputation, and eliminate crucial protections and safe pathways for those fleeing persecution.
National Immigration Law Center: Analysis of Trump Day 1 Executive Orders
The second Trump administration began with a slew of executive orders designed to terrify and devastate immigrants, their families, and communities across the U.S.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Updates & Analysis
Washington Post: Layoffs Loom as Trump Admin Orders Leave for Federal DEI Workers
Democracy Now!: Trump’s Attack on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Provokes a Grassroots Backlash
Resources from the National Urban League:
- The Facts about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Take the “Demand Diversity” Pledge
- Livestream Recording of the Demand Diversity Roundtable
Sojourners: God Desires Action, Not Just Awareness Months
Environmental Justice Updates & Analysis
ecoAmerica: New Administration’s Climate Agenda Defies Majority Consensus
Inside Climate News: Executive Orders on Energy and Climate Have Advocates Across the Nation on Edge
Vox: What did Trump Just Do to the Environment?
CBS News: What Trump’s Executive Orders Mean for the Fight Against Climate Change
Sojourners: The Future of Climate is Bleak, But Don’t Tune Out