What is Congregational Transformation?
Transformation is the intentional spiritual journey that a congregation systemically undertakes in order to realize what God has called it to be as church and to do in mission in today’s world. Transformation is a fundamental change in the congregation’s conception and implementation of ministry. A transforming congregation will be oriented around mission to the unchurched, nurturing them into the loving, caring fellowship of Christ. It will be notably different from one oriented primarily around ministering to current members. The needs of members will still be met. In the context of a church in mission, everyone is important, both churched and yet-to-be churched.
Is this something new?
Since 2005, Disciples Home Missions has been working to provide events and resources geared to congregational transformation. There have been six events with 677 individuals (from pastors, lay leaders, regions and the general office) interested in congregational transformation. They have either attended one of the transformation events, served on a transformation team or are part of a transforming congregation. These individuals and congregations are under the umbrella of 30 regions within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Is there a goal?
By the year 2020, the goal of congregational transformation is for 1,000 transformed congregations to realize the 2020 Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Congregations currently in transformation The list of transforming congregations is growing. Within this booklet is a list of congregations in transformation, each of which has signed up on the DHM website.
What about resources?
Some of the resources available through DHM are included. You will find resources geared to those just beginning the process and other resources geared to those further along in the process. This list is not exhaustive. There are many other resources available for your use at www.discipleshomemissions.org or by contacting the office of Evangelism and Congregational Transformation at (317) 713-2641.