Ministerial Relocation Form Personal Information: Legal last name * Legal first name * Legal middle name * Preferred first name * (if known, list home address where you will live once you are serving in new position) Street address City Country State/Province Postal Code Home phone number * Cell Phone Number * Personal e-mail address * Did the Search and Call office circulate your papers to the Regions? * Yes No Are you moving into a new position of vocational ministry? * Yes No Information about NEW position of ministry: Name of new congregation/agency: * Title of new position (ex. pastor, assoc., chaplain): * Starting date (mm/dd/yyyy): * Employment address: * City * Country State/Province * Postal Code * Office phone number * Office e-mail address * Information about PREVIOUS position of ministry: Name of previous congregation/agency * Effective ending date (mm/dd/yyyy): * Previous employment address: * City * Country State/Province * Postal Code * If you are human, leave this field blank.