“A conscientious objector is one who is opposed to serving in the armed forces and/or bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles.” www.sss.gov/FSConsobj.htm
Open a File of Consciousness with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
If you are military service personnel or an enlistee concerned about a pending deployment, the terms and conditions of your obligation to the military or you are in need of legal advice regarding the military, Disciples Home Missions strongly recommends you contact the G.I. HOTLINE at www.girightshotline.org or (877) 447-4487 for legal counsel and current information about military protocol.
If you are interested in establishing a File of Consciousness, you are encouraged to seek advice and wisdom, considering all ramifications and issues, in order to proceed with an informed and faithful, articulate and thorough response. If you would like counsel on places to start your journey, please contact Disciples Peace Fellowship, Disciples Home Missions or your local pastor.
For more information about the relationship between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and issues of war, social justice, and conscientious objection, please visit the Disciples Peace Fellowship Web site.
Initiating your file
To initiate a File of Consciousness, please check out The Peace Abbey’s Website at: www.peaceabbey.org/programs-projects/conscientious-objectors/