File of Conscience Form File of Conscience Full Legal Name * Date of Birth * Address * City * Country * State/Province * Postal Code * Phone (home) * Phone (cell) * E-mail Address * Please select one of the following This is a new file. This is an addition to an existing file. Click here for additional information regarding available resources for military personnel. Military Status I am currently a member of the active duty milirary, military reserves, have signed recruiting documents or am already scheduled to report to active duty. Tell us about your military status and service. Military Service I am a veteran of military service. Tell us about your military service. Because of the beliefs I have, I (check all that apply): Object to participation in war or military conflict in any form Object to paying for war or military conflict Object to participating in particular unjust wars Object to nuclear war I have participated in these activities, which support my beliefs: Created a file of conscience which states my beliefs and actions around issues of war and military conflict. Am now or have been a member of congregations or spiritual bodies that have influenced my understanding of war and peace. Participated in peace and justice organizations. Participated in demonstrations or activities that display my commitment to my beliefs. Participated in religious studies or religious gatherings that display my commitments to my beliefs. Read and/or studied the works of others that have deeply influenced my beliefs about war and peace. Authored letters to the editor reflecting my values and beliefs around issues of peace, justice and war. Authored published works reflecting my values and beliefs around issues of peace, justice and war. Authored unpublished academic work (such as term papers or essays) that reflect my values and beliefs around issues of peace, justice and war. Committed acts of civil disobedience which support and reflect my belief around issues of peace, justice and war. Have taken academic classes which have influenced my thinking about peace, justice and war. Please explain your participation for each item checked above and how such participation supports your beliefs. Use a separate explanation for each item checked above. * Describe the beliefs that shape your understanding of war, justice and peace. Describe how the beliefs in your first essay developed.’ Please check one or the other of the following boxes, regarding whether you would like someone to review your file and make suggestions on how to make it more useful to you in a variety of ways: Yes — please have someone contact me with recommendations and/or who may be able to answer some questions for me. No — thank you, I do not wish to be contacted. If you are human, leave this field blank.