The Green Chalice Ministry and Disciples Home Missions are launching a summer pilot project, offering grants of $3000 to DOC churches, regions, and camps (with preference given to churches). These grants aim to support the development of youth and young adult leaders (ages 16-26) engaged in the spiritual movement for creation care, climate justice, and/or social justice.
A central goal of this grant program is to foster a culture of curiosity, connection, compassion and justice in faith leadership that goes beyond a focus on individual behaviors to collectively address the institutions and systems responsible for the present crises. Grants will promote a creation justice movement that recognizes and engages the root causes of injustice, climate crisis and systemic change. Priority will be given to those seeking to advance justice, creation care, and climate solutions that effectively center the needs of those most impacted by environmental degradation and the climate crisis. Ministries led by and or served by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities are highly encouraged to apply. We are seeking 12 ministry sites for this pilot project. Fill out this interest form or email Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri with questions
If you are a Ministry Site (Church or Camp/Conference) find a young person who is a good fit for your context.
The resources below may help you find a good match-These are only examples to help your ministry site promote, find, and discern best applicants for your context and community- You do not need to utilize these resources or share responses with the Green Chalice team.
SAMPLE APPLICATION for Young Person Justice and Creation Fellow (for ministry site use only)
SAMPLE REFERENCE LETTER for Young Person (for ministry site use only)
If you are Young Person (Potential Fellow) interested in becoming a Justice and Creation Summer Fellow- Discern and connect with a congregation or camp/conference that is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and invite the community into conversation and discernment with you. Green Chalice/DHM staff are able to be in conversation with you, but are not able to help match or find viable congregations for this collaboration.
Fill out the Justice and Creation Summer Fellowship Application and return the Application to by April 15.
Ministry Sites will also need to send along this information to
Additional Documents Required for Fellowship Programs Designed for Youth Ages 16-18
In Gratitude for Heights Christian Church in Houston, TX
The funds for this grant program are part of a generous gift by Heights Christian Church in Houston, TX. The weekly prayers of this congregation prior to their closing their physical doors included prayers and intentions regarding radical hospitality, climate action, community resilience and anti-racism continue to flourish in many ways in 2024 and this initiative is just one expression of their compassion and wisdom.
This ministry was modeled with permission after the United Church of Christ Climate Hope Summer Fellowship