Disciples Interims (Formerly ADIIM)

Our Purpose is to:

  • TRAIN and equip leaders for intentional interim ministry,
  • SUPPORT leaders seeking engaged in interim ministry, and
  • CONNECT ministers, congregations, regions, and ministry partners to support transitions and build partnerships.


Disciples Interims is a community of active and retired interim ministers, regional staff, and congregational leaders that offers training, support, and connections for clergy interested in serving as interims. Building on the work of The Association of Disciples Intentional Interim Ministers (ADIIM), Disciples Interims is forging connections with Disciple Home MissionsThe College of Regional Ministers, and a network of experienced and aspiring interim leaders.

There is a huge need for new Disciple interim ministers. Baby boomer ministers are headed for retirement and there are openings for both interim and settled ministers. Ministers of all ages are now serving as interims.

As of Fall 2023 Disciples Interims has offered four online training courses with over 90 students.   Interim Ministry Basics is training offered by a team of experienced Disciples ministers at a fraction of the cost of training elsewhere. Many Regional ministers are helping to pay tuition for ministers in their area.

Here’s what students have said when asked, “What were some of the most important things you learned?”

“The importance of finding and keeping a vision alive with a congregation, the importance of healthy commitments, the value of listening and affirming and how this is all vital to keep a congregation motivated and moving forward into an ever-changing future.” — Tammy Gill

“I learned that interim ministry is more about guided practice than simply ‘marking time’ until a settled pastor is called.” — David Walton

“I think the most important thing I learned is that an interim period can be a time of excitement, enthusiasm, learning, discernment, fellowship, positivity, communion with God and one another, and thus spiritual growth–a blessing for all. The interim minister has the honor of using tools and asking questions to help create an atmosphere where all these wonderful things can happen.” — Terry Chamberlain Diehl


Our next Interim Ministry Basics Training meets on Mondays, September 16 through October 28, 2024. More training will be offered in 2025. Click here to see a course syllabus from one of our recent classes.

And contact us at – disciplesinterims@gmail.com to join our mailing list for information about training and networking opportunities.

Want to explore some opportunities to serve as an interim minister? Want to read more about the Five Focus Points? You can find more reflections and ideas on our Facebook page 




How does Interim Ministry work together with Search and Call?

By:  Anne Marie Moyars

As an intentional interim minister, your ministerial profile and length of time documents are valid work differently than a minister who is searching for a “settled” position. Read More…

Why is Training Needed?

By: Will Jewsbury

When I was considering interim ministry, colleagues suggested that I explore training to become an Intentional Interim.  After more than 35 years of pastoral ministry I felt I had an expansive skill set, but I was intrigued to discover what else might be possible. Read More…

What Is An Interim Time In A Congregation?

By: Terry Foland

Congregations have times after a pastor has left, for whatever reason, before they have been able to engage a new minister for a new call agreement. In the church today we call this an interim time. Interim by dictionary definition means “temporary” or “provisional”. It may also mean “the intervening time”. When the Interim Ministry Network was early in its founding we often used the phrase “The In Between Time”.  Read More…

To Be or Not To Be?

By:  Steve Welker

In 2011, I had the chance to attend a UCC History & Polity Class. Being a Disciples of Christ pastor for many years, I sought answers to what was next in my life and ministry. Enter a discussion about interim ministry at that class.  Read More…

Interim Ministry Testimony

By: Hank Anderson

A few years back, my journey through ministry took an unexpected turn. For some 30 years, my wife and I served a series of churches as co-pastors. Our ministry together had been fulfilling. Our gifts and interests were complimentary, and we enjoyed working with one another. But, … Read More…

Why Change?

By: Phil Miller

Two modern fables help readers deal with change. First, Who Moved My Cheese, by Spencer Johnson; and second, Our Iceberg is Melting, by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber. Read More…

You can explore additional training and networking opportunities with:

Interim Ministry Network www.imnedu.org

The Center For Congregational Health www.healthychurch.org