Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries sponsors and speaks at a White House Press Conference on September 12 to urge that 75,000 refugees be resettled in the U.S. over the next fiscal year, beginning October 1st.
“Our Disciples of Christ General Minister & President, Regional Ministers, and many pastors are urging for 75,000 refugees to be resettled next year. When the US helps lead the world in welcoming refugees, we maintain our nation as a beacon of hope and opportunity, respond to scripture’s repeated call to welcome the sojourner and vulnerable, and honor our decades-long heritage of hospitality. We also pray to welcome 75,000 refugees because we have the means to help meet the deep needs of the world, and because doing so helps us communicate through our universal language of love.” — Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
As President Trump’s administration prepares to set the number of #refugees it will accept next year, leaders of several Christian denominations gathered to make sure the administration hears their call to #Welcome75k.
“After setting the lowest refugee admissions goal in history last year – 45,000 – and admitting less than half of even that low number, the Trump administration is reportedly planning to set an even lower bar next year to admit only 25,000 refugees or even fewer in Fiscal Year 2019. Faith leaders, refugee leaders, business and community partners are outraged by the administration’s continued slashing of the refugee program and are asking to raise this number and welcome 75,000 refugees in 2019. This ask is far lower than the average number set for the refugee admissions goal since 1980 – 95,000 and represents a good faith effort to restore our nation’s commitment to welcome refugees in need of resettlement.
For photos and videos from the event visit here. To see the Religion News Service (RNS) coverage go here.