Disciples of Christ Respond to Announced End of Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Liberians

March 28, 2018

Pastor J. Edwin Lloyd of Whosoever Will Christian Church and Patrice Lawrence of UndocuBlack conduct advocacy visits with RIM in D.C.

“I continue to be deeply disturbed by the random choices that this administration makes in removing TPS and other protected statuses. Last night’s decision to remove DED status is particularly outrageous. Cessation of conflict does not mean that families will be safe.  We have no right to send people away from our shores for no reason.  Cruelty is not what we do as Americans.”
Rev. Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada

“In the aftermath of the recent DED end for Liberians, I extend my thanks and appreciation to those individuals and groups who have been advocating on behalf of Liberians and other immigrants. The task is still at hand and we have a lot to accomplish to protect our communities feeling fearful. We pray that the President and Congress will take the necessary steps to put affected Liberians on a pathway to citizenship. Let us remain prayerful and active, and stay in dialogue especially with those of opposing views about the contributions of immigrants, as the Almighty God we serve is in control.”
Rev. J. Edwin Lloyd, Pastor, Whosoever Will Christian Church, Beltsville, Md.

“The first missionaries sent to Africa by Disciples of Christ were Black Americans who went to Liberia.  With such a depth of historical connection within our tradition, we likewise share a depth of pain with Liberians in this time—particularly as we think of families who will be harmed and separated by yesterday’s decision by the President to remove DED for Liberians.”
Rev. Marco Cable, Area Executive for Africa, Global Ministries, United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

“It is unjust to cause suffering in the lives of others, to make decisions which pull parents away from their children, to choose to strip status from and then threaten deportation of individuals whose nation has faced three civil wars and the horror of ebola in recent years, and to remove protections which usurp the livelihood of communities which have contributed robustly to our nation and congregations. I join together with the many hundreds of faith partners around the nation to urge Congress to now respond to God’s call to “uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” (Psalm 82:3) by supporting a legislative solution that reinstates protection for vulnerable DED and TPS populations.”
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Refugee & Immigration Ministries, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)


For more information about legislative solutions to support TPS and DED populations, such as: HR4253, the American Promise Act of 2018; S2144, the Secure Act; HR4384, the Aspire TPS Act of 2017; and HR5072 & S2275, the Liberian Refugee and Immigrant Fairness Act of 2018, contact: Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries, Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea, sstanley@dhm.disciples.org, 202-957-7826. See: https://www.discipleshomemissions.org/liberian-deferred-enforced-departure-ded-resources/ for additional background on Liberian DED Protections.