URGE YOUR LEADERS TO RESETTLE AT LEAST 75,000 REFUGEES IN FY2019! Please join our Disciples General Minister & President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens, as we continue to #Pray4Refugees that the US will #Welcome75K refugees for resettlement next year. “Our country has always been a beacon of hope and opportunity, and we do not want to see that light go dim for so many,” Rev. Hord Owens reminds us. (Watch her video below.)
Senate and House Judiciary Committee members play a key role in deciding, together with the President, the number of refugees to be resettled by the US each year. This decision is made annually before the end of September. See here a list of all relevant Judiciary Committee members’ and leaders’ phone numbers and Twitter contacts. Contact them to share your support for refugees!
See here a sample phone call Script and sample Tweets for contacting your Judiciary leaders to urge their support for at least 75,000 refugees to be resettled in FY2019.