May 8-9 Refugee Advocacy Days and June 16 Refugee Welcome Sunday

May 6, 2019
Disciples Friends of Refugees,
This year, the administration has set a national U.S. refugee admissions goal at 30,000 – the lowest level in U.S. history. This has been so even though there are more than 25 million refugees worldwide — more than ever in our history. And, even with such a low goal number named, we are heartbroken that thousands of approved refugees are being held up in their resettlement—with less than 40% of the goal number of refugees having been welcomed for resettlement as of the middle of this federal fiscal year.
During this coming week, I’ll be honored to join in Washington, D.C., as our Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries Director, with refugee leaders, our Church World Service resettlement partners and others from around the U.S. to help national leaders learn and hear more about the strengths and contributions of refugees to our churches and communities.
I look forward to raising up stories of how our congregations have befriended refugees, and how we’ll be celebrating refugees in the upcoming World Refugee Day on June 20 th , and our Disciples Refugee and Immigrant Welcome Sunday on June 16 th or around that date. Please see resources here for how your congregation can join in such celebrations!! And, follow my personal Facebook , our RIM Facebook , and on Twitter @StanleyRea this Wednesday-Thursday to follow the action of refugee leaders on Capitol Hill!
Also, WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US in urging Congress to hold the U.S. accountable to rebuilding the U.S. refugee resettlement program and returning it our historic norms of resettling refugees and following God’s call to “welcome the stranger”. HERE ARE TWO WAYS YOU CAN URGE YOUR LEADERS TO HELP REFUGEES NOW:
  1. Faith Leaders: Click here to sign on by Wednesday, May 8th to an important faith letter urging Member of Congress to cosponsor the GRACE Act.
  2. Call Congress: Click here to tell your 2 Senators and 1 Representative to cosponsor the GRACE Act.
The GRACE Act is legislation that would restore U.S. leadership on refugee resettlement and uphold our nation’s commitment to provide safety for refugees fleeing persecution. This bill would set a minimum number for the annual refugee admissions goal of 95,000 – the historic average – and increase oversight over the administration through mandatory reporting requirements to Congress.