Refugee Welcome & World Refugee Worship Planning Resources
Check out our full Disciples-2022-Refugee-Welcome-Sunday-Planning-and-Worship-Resources Toolkit, which includes worship resources, prayers, stories of Disciples work with refugees, a Children’s Sermon and Bible Study, action opportunities to support refugees and asylum seekers–and more.
- See our World Refugee Day Faith Toolkit 2022 here and through this shortlink: This toolkit includes Faith Community & Partner World Refugee Day Resources, Worship Materials, and Refugee Advocacy Resources, as well as links to multiple event recordings.
- Use these Actions Alerts to support Refugees & Asylum Seekers:
Also, don’t miss the options below:
- World Refugee Day Candle Remembrance Ritual
- Welcome Signs: Sample Refugee Welcome Signs, No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor (this sign is in three languages)
- Refugee and Immigrant Welcome Chants
- Many communities may wish to include one or more congregational hymns or songs in their worship over the coming weeks in conjunction with World Refugee Day. The Hymn Society’s collection “Singing Welcome,” offers a host of free downloadable resources.
- Please deliver to, scan and email, or mail your national, state, and local legislators these postcards that indicate your support for refugees, and share how refugees enrich and share light in your community! Download refugee light postcard here. Also, sign and share this postcard with your local, state, and national legislators to ensure that the US refugee resettlement heritage continues to be fully restored!
- The Immigrants Creed written by Rev. Jose Luis Casal
- Resources on Sanctuary
- Disciples Welcome Banners (see below)
Disciples Refugees and Immigrants Welcome Banner
PDF / Word
Disciples Welcome Neighbor Banner
PDF / Word
- Welcome Banners (3′ x 6′) The first 20 congregations to register their service on the Refugees Welcome map will receive a free Refugees Welcome or Welcome Neighbor banner of their choosing. Click here to register your congregation’s events.
Refugees Welcome Banner
PDF | Word
Welcome Neighbor Banner
PDF | Word