The Rev. Dr. J. Soongook Choi was a Korean-American minister of the Chrisitan Church (Disciples of Christ). He was born in and spent his childhood in Japan, but traveled to Korea with the Student Volunteer Corps during the Korean War. Out of his painful experience in the conflict of inter-and intra-racial relations among Asian nations, he became a seeker for peace and justice in a world community of different peoples. Upon returning to Korea from Japan, Dr. Choi joined the Campbell-Stone movement (Christian Church—Independent). In 1959, he came to the United States for advanced theological education and earned several academic degrees. He was ordained in 1962 and served as a local pastor, hospital chaplain, professor and president of Seoul Christian University (in Korea), and member of the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He had been a key figure in the life of the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD), especially for the growth of the Disciples church in the Korea-American community. To carry on Dr. Choi’s legacy in ministry, his friends and relatives established a scholarship fund on the day of celebration of his retirement. The Choi Scholarship is available to Disciples seminarians of Asian and Pacific Islander descent who are in preparation for ministry in a multi-racial/cultural community.