“Refugees in this world need our help, desperately. They don’t choose to lose their homes, lifestyle, culture. They leave…because of forces outside of their control. They need our help. I urge you not to let the cap for refugees go below 75,000….Because we remember God’s Word: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for some have entertained angels unaware.” Heb13:2 –Rev. Teresa Dulyea-Parker, Illinois/Wisconsin Region, Disciples of Christ.
See Teresa’s video here. Then please consider joining your voice and your church’s to #Pray4Refugees–by sharing the video with your friends, and with national leaders in her region, such as @SenatorDurbin, @RepGutieerrez, and @RepSchneider from the region who will help make the important decision SOON about how many refugees the US will resettle next year. Go HERE for more information. Also contact @StateDept @SecPompeo @VP @Mike_Pence @POTUS @realDonaldTrump Ivanka Trump, @IvankaTrump @JimPressOffice to please #Pray4Refugees and use their leadership to #Welcome75K refugees in the US next year!