“I am Suzanne Stout, the Pastor of First Christian Church in Des Moines, IA….I have had the opportunity of working with refugees both in Florida and here in Iowa. I’ve had the pleasure of working with them as speakers of other languages program as well as in the church. I know that folks from Marshalltown here in Iowa say that their city would have closed more than 10 years ago if they had not had the opportunity to welcome refugees into their community, to keep open… their businesses…as well as keeping open their society and their schools, by being part of the community. I invite you to use 75,000 as the number for bringing in refugees in the coming year.” –Rev. Suzanne Stout, First Christian Church, Des Moines, IA
See her video here and please join Rev. Stout to #Pray4Refugees and urge our nation to #Welcome75K refugees to be resettled in the next fiscal year. Please let your legislators hear from you by calling, as the decision will be made ASAP—and look HERE for more info!! Also tweet to the region’s legislators who have key roles as Judiciary Comm. members who are making this decision: @ChuckGrassley @SteveKingIA. Contact @RepDavidYoung who serves on the Refugee Caucus. Tell them our faith voices continue to say, #RefugeesWelcome and #Welcome75K !!! Send additional messages to the following leaders:
.@realDonaldTrump @StateDept @SecPompeo @VP @Mike_Pence @POTUS Ivanka Trump, @IvankaTrump
— please #Pray4Refugees and use your leadership to #Welcome75K refugees in the US next year!
@RepGoodlatte– please #Pray4Refugees and use your leadership to #Welcome75K refugees in the US next year!